
Benefits of Avocado fruit

Benefits of avocado fruit The fruit that comes from Central America and Mexico,  apparently this fruit has many benefits for health and beauty for women.

Benefits of avocado fruit

benefits of Avocado Fruit image

Below are some of the benefits of Avocado Fruit for health and beauty :

There are many function and benefits as well as benefits contained in this fruit, the fruit can be a variety of processed foods and can also be a basic ingredient for some cosmetic and beauty products. Not only that, seeds and bark also have other benefits. Like, the seeds can be used in the apparel industry as a dye that does not easily fade. As well as the bark can also be used as a dye to color brown leather products. Many of the nutrients contained in the fruit, for nutrition during pregnancy is also good for the mother and the consumption of the baby.

Benefits For Beauty. In this case, the avocado contains a good source of vitamin E, which can help smooth the skin and moisturize the skin. And the amount of vitamin A may help treatment of the skin. With the combinations of these vitamins make skin supple, removes wrinkles, makes skin look young and fresh. Generally, the fruit is used in beauty as a face mask or scrub in women.

Benefits For Health. Health problems are not denied because the fruit has many health benefits. Like, Potassium (potassium) present in avocados can reduce depression, preventing the deposition of fluid in the body and can lower blood pressure. In avocados also have a high vegetable fat unsaturated. Fats are useful for lowering blood cholesterol levels (LDL), which means it can prevent stroke, high blood pressure, cancer or heart disease. Unsaturated fat in avocados is also easy to digest the body so it can provide maximum results on the body. Unsaturated fat in avocados also contain anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. So do not worry about the view that avocado can cause obesity.

Prevent free radicals. Oleic acid contained in avocado fruit is a powerful antioxidant that can capture free radicals in the body caused by pollution. These free radicals if it is stored in the body can cause a variety of health problems.

Relieve pre-menstrual syndrome. Vitamin B6 contained in the avocado is efficacious to relieve pre-menstrual syndrome or pre-menstrual (PMS) that generally affects women every month.

Prevents anemia and heart attacks. Iron and Copper were required in the regeneration of the blood this preventing anemia. Elemental minerals manganese and zinc is useful to relieve high blood pressure, heart rate monitor and maintain nerve function remained intact.

And many more benefits of avocado fruit that I have not mentioned. Hopefully this Benefits of avocado fruit article can be useful for you.


Good effects and benefits of consuming the dragon fruit

benefits of consuming the dragon fruit The many health benefits of dragon fruit to make this fruit is always discussed and sought after community. This fruit called dragon fruit because it is the shape or texture of the skin of this fruit is like the shape of dragon skin. This fruit has a flavor that is fairly good with a sweet taste and fresh. But not a few others who have a slightly sour taste. But still it is quite popular because of the fruit dragon fruit for health benefits of has been proven. One of the benefits of dragon fruit as the prevention of free radicals because the dragon fruit is a fruit-producing antioxidants.

benefits of consuming the dragon fruit

benefits of consuming the dragon fruit image

Besides being able to prevent free radicals, the benefits of dragon fruit there are still many more. One is to increase our immune system. That is because the dragon fruit has a high vitamin C content. So it is good for our health. Of course there are many more benefits of dragon fruit you need to know. And this time I would like to give a little information about the benefits of dragon fruit.

Before knowing the Good effects and benefits of consuming the dragon fruit for health, it is better you know in advance what the content is in this fruit isAnd this is nutrient contained in dragon fruit.

  • Calcium - 8.8 mg
  • Carotene - 0.012 mg
  • Niacin - 1.3 mg
  • Vitamin C - 9 mg
  • Thiamine - 0.0 mg
  • Protein - 0.229 g
  • Crude fiber - 0.9 g
  • Moisture - 83 g
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.045 mg
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.043 mg
  • Vitamin B3 - 0.43 mg
  • Fat - 0.61 g
  • Ash - 0.28 g
  • Riboflavin - 0.044 mg
  • Iron - 0.65 mg
  • Phosphorus - 36.1 mg
Well after knowing the nutrient content contained in dragon fruit, now is the time you know what are the benefits of dragon fruit for our health. And here are some benefits of consuming the dragon fruit for health that I get from various sources online sites.

Dragon fruit can prevent free radical production because it's a source of antioxidants that are good for our bodies.

Dragon fruit is able to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Besides dragon fruit can also help neutralize the toxic substances contained in our body.

For those of you who suffer from asthma and cough, dragon fruit, it's also to help fight coughs and asthma, so it's good to consume this fruit when you cough

Dragon fruit is believed to enhance the immune system because the dragon fruit contains vitamin C that is quite high. So for those of you who might be susceptible to disease, dragon fruit can help boost your immune system.

The content of vitamin B2 in the dragon fruit is very good for our health. One of them is the formation of red blood cells. And there are many more benefits of vitamin B2, you can look for the benefits of vitamin b2 on the internet.

Besides containing vitamins B2, dragon fruit also contains vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 serves to help increase energy metabolism. And there are still many more benefits of vitamin B1, for more details you can look it on the internet.

It's said that the dragon fruit is also nutritious improve eyesight and prevent hypertension.

Dragon fruit can also help prevent deadly diseases such as heart disease. Besides dragon fruit is also capable of lowering cholesterol levels in the body. This is because these fruits contain a lot of vitamin B3 and is very good for health.

The content of calcium and phosphorus in the dragon fruit serves to strengthen bones. And many more other benefits.

Dragon fruit was also efficacious for weight loss. So for those of you who want to lose weight can be done by eating dragon fruit routinely.

The benefits of dragon fruit above might just some of the many benefits to our health, and hope this Good effects and benefits of consuming the dragon fruit information can be useful for you all.


Benefits of Soursop fruit and Soursop fruit leaves

c According to Wikipedia, Soursop fruit is a fruit that comes from the Caribbean, Central America and South America with the latin name Annona muricata L is a fruit plant that has many benefits. In the soursop leaves contain compounds Acetoginin (bulatacin, asimisin and squamosin). Acetoginin is high in compounds that act as anti feedent. Substance is what makes pests even reluctant to eat tree leaves soursop, soursop leaves in low concentrations can cause insect pests that eat it will die.

Soursop fruit is known as a tasty and fresh. Most of us do not realize apparently soursop fruit has many benefits for treatment. Not only that, even the leaves of the soursop tree also has excellent benefits for health and medicine.

Benefits of Soursop fruit and Soursop fruit leaves

Soursop fruit and Soursop fruit leaves image
The following are the Benefits of Soursop fruit and Soursop fruit leaves for treatment and health.

Benefits of Soursop leaves

  • Ability to Treating Cancer 
According to a study conducted by experts from Purdue University in the United States, stating that this soursop leaf contains excellent for the treatment of various diseases, especially cancer. In the study proves that the soursop leaves can inhibit cancer cell growth. As for some types of cancer that can be treated are claimed to breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer and 12 other types of cancer. Ten ways to take old soursop leaves and boil with three cups of water. Leave until the remaining two cups of water, drink two times a day for two weeks.

  • Treating Uric Acid
Soursop leaves can also be used as a cure of uric acid. Many alternative medicine that uses soursop leaves for the treatment of gout. How very convenient that the soursop leaves is quite old, but still green, about six to ten sheets and then wash clean. Furthermore, soursop leaves cut with the aim of ensuring the content in the leaves literally right out. Boil the leaves with two cups of water, simmer until water remaining one cup. Drink the concoction twice a day in the morning and evening.
  • Treating wais pain problems 
If you have any problems with your waist, try to make a potion soursop leaves. Take 20 pieces soursop leaves and boil with five cups of water. Allow to boil and the remaining three cups. Drink this mixture ¾ cup one time a day. 
  • Helps the immune system and prevent infections
The content contained in soursop leaves is believed to boost the immune system and prevent infection in the body. How, prepare 4/5 soursop leaves, boiled with four cups water simmer until the remaining one cup. Drink once in a day. 
  • Treating Eczema and Rheumatism.
Mashed until smooth soursop leaves and apply on the body that feels pain or pain due to arthritis or eczema regularly twice a day.

Those are some of the benefits of soursop leaves that you can make reference to traditional medicine. But still there are some other benefits if you consume soursop leaf herb regularly following benefits:
- Helps nourish the heart
- Helps to lower blood sugar levels
- Helps to lower high blood pressure
- Ability to inhibit bacterial growth
- Helps to inhibit the development of virus in the body
- Helps inhibit parasite development
- Helps inhibit tumor growth
- Helps relax the muscles in the body
- Ability to being anti-seizure medications
- Helps relieve pain
- Ability to treat and suppress the body peradangandalam
- Ability to reduce fever
- Strengthens nerves
- Helps to dilate blood vessels in the body
- Ability to kill parasitic worms
- Strengthening and improving digestion and appetite.

Benefits of Soursop Fruit

Soursop fruit contains many vitamins, but the most dominant in soursop fruit is vitamin C, which is about 20 mg per 100 grams of fruit flesh. Requirement of vitamin C per person per day (60 mg), can be fulfilled only by consuming 300 grams of meat soursop fruit. The content of vitamin C is high enough on soursop fruit makes this a very good antioxidant to increase endurance and slow the aging process.

Meanwhile, other content contained in soursop fruit is Mineral, namely phosphorus and calcium, respectively by 27 and 14 mg/100 g. Both minerals are essential for the formation of bone mass, so it is useful to form strong bones and prevent osteoporosis.
Not only nutrition, soursop fruit is also very rich in non-nutritional components. One of them is to contain a lot of fiber (dietary fiber), which reached 3.3g / 100g of fruit flesh.
If you eat 100g of meat soursop fruit we already get 13 percent of dietary fiber a day. Soursop fruit is also rich in phytochemical compounds, so as to ensure that the fruits are very beneficial to health.
Various benefits of soursop for therapy include treatment of gallstones, anti-constipation, gout, and increased appetite. In addition, the fiber content also serves to facilitate digestion, especially for the treatment of constipation (difficult bowel movements).

Other benefits of soursop fruit:
  • Diarrhea treatment for babies
Prepare ripe soursop fruit, then squeezed and filtered to take water. Drinks 2-3 tablespoons for babies who suffer diarrhea.
  • Treat Hemorrhoid
Squeeze the ripe soursop fruit, take the water as much as one cup, drink two times a day, morning and afternoon.
  • Treating Bladder Pain
Prepare a half-ripe fruit soursop, sugar and salt to taste. Cook all ingredients into compote. Eaten plain, and performed it regularly every day for one week in a row.
  • Treating Liver Disease
To treat liver then you should not eat for another meal. You just need to drink soursop juice for one week as a meal replacement.

Hopefully this Benefits of Soursop fruit and Soursop fruit leaves article is useful for you.


Good effects and benefits consuming mangosteen fruit

Good effects and benefits consuming mangosteen fruit Mangosteen is the only fruit that never rot although aboveground settling for anything. Instead it will dry up and become wood. It's all because of mangosteen has powerful antioxidant
Below are some of the Good effects and benefits consuming mangosteen fruit.

mangosteen fruit


Now this is being done endless research on the properties of mangosteen for cancer diseases. Interim research results, contained in extracts mangosteen can prevent the growth of these cells in patients with leukemia, put a halt to the development of cells in lung cancer, liver cancer, and colon cancer.


Obesity problem occurs because the cell membrane in our body easily enlarged and hardened. This can be overcame by the substance of xanthones found in mangosteen. These substances are re soften cells, and rapidly changing food into energy. This condition makes us healthier and at the same time can overcome obesity.


Mangosteen fruit is also efficacious to reduce or eliminate pain. A doctor in the United States has claim to replace drugs to relieve the pain in the neck by taking regular mangosteen fruit.


Heart disease and arteriosclerosis occurs because the blood vessels around the heart loses its elasticity. Mangosteen can restore the elasticity of blood vessels through antimikorbial and antioxidants owned fruit. After the vessels around the heart healthy and strong, then the risk of heart disease is reduced.


Mangosteen fruit contains catechins which proved to be more effective and more efficient than vitamin C or vitamin E to fight free radicals in our bodies. Templeman Frederc doctor who wrote the book "A Doctor Challenge, A Mangosteen Solution" suggests that the consumption of mangosteen every day as a food supplement, will get more antioxidants than any supplements offered in medicine.


Hypertension or high blood pressure also occur due to a disturbance in the blood vessels, and is at risk of heart disease and stroke. Mangosteen fruit can overcome it, especially to normalize weight.


Asthma classified as a deadly disease caused by damage to the respiratory system. Mangosteen fruit become an ideal alternative medicine to cure because it has the ability to fight infections and contains substances that reduce allergies.


One chronic disease that affects many people were diabetes. To help the healing process is recommended to consume mangosteen fruit contains substances that normalize blood pressure, recover energy, and substances that reduce the excess sugar in the blood.


Kidney stone disease is usually experienced by men. To prevent kidney stones are advised to consume three ounces or more differing days mangosteen. Consuming mangosteen will make you urinate more often so as to prevent kidney stones.

Above is just some of the benefits and many more Good effects and benefits consuming mangosteen fruit.


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